Monday 25 August 2014

The hunt for the perfect coffee table

I love having a coffee table in the living room, we seem to use it for everything, but I am struggling to find one that I really love.

I found this one on ebay and really liked the style and shape (and it was 99p). After working on it though I decided its just too big so I just sold it. So now im back on the hunt!

The table was definitely well worn

I love the shape of the leg

Nice, but not quite right for us

Who doesnt love a bag

With quite a few birthdays for Myles' friends coming up I decided that id like to make something to add a more personal touch. I kept it simple as I am still very rusty with the sewing, what little girl doesnt love a bag for all her precious things?!

Mini book bags

For my oldest niece I wanted to make something larger, with an added extra smaller pocket

I was really happy with the finished bags, I hope their owners were!